Many people contact me and they’re very frustrated because they’ve been following the appropriate diet, taking supplements, they’ve made lifestyle changes, but they’re still not seeing great results in their body. So let’s get into the different reasons people might not be seeing the results of their healing efforts quickly…
1. Expecting Results Too Quickly
Sometimes an apparent lack of healing progress is due to simply not giving the body enough time. For example, you can’t heal 5 years of damage in 3 months! If you’ve been on strong drugs like Remicade, Humira, etc. your healing is going to take even longer. Keep in mind that even people with no overt disease symptoms, but simply an unbalanced hormonal system require 4 – 6 months just to re-balance their hormones.
With IBD, you have severely unbalanced both your immune and endocrine (hormones) system if you have been on any of the immunosuppressant drugs for longer than a month. So now you’re looking at healing THREE systems: immune, endocrine, and digestive – and then all the domino effects from each of those.
And don’t forget the dormant-active lifecycle of pathogens like mycobacteria. I was on Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol for 2 years to completely clear mine.
2. Simultaneously Ingesting Harmful Supplements
Other times it’s because the person is simultaneously ingesting drugs (or sometimes even natural supplements) that are damaging or aggravating the body at the same time, so it’s two steps forward and one or two steps back.
If you suspect this is the case, check that your supplements do NOT contain:
- Betaine HCL
- MSM (although topical – transdermal – application should be fine)
- FOS (fructooligosaccharides)
- Inulin
All of these natural substances are seriously aggravating for people with IBS and IBD. This same caution applies to food allergies. If you are periodically ingesting some food or drink item that creates inflammation (due to allergy or intolerance), then each time you are sabotaging the foundational healing of your body and setting yourself back.
Top supplements that cause diarrhea in susceptible people:
- Magnesium (unless in nanoparticle or transdermal form)
- Any herb that promotes a “cleansing” action – for this reason you need to be very careful with combination remedies, or Chinese, or Ayurvedic remedies
- Xylitol, erythritol, sorbitol, and any other sugar alcohols
- Liver support herbs, because the liver is going to cleanse toxins through the bowels. Don’t use if you have severe diarrhea, but for mild diarrhea, you may be okay to use these in combination with a stool bulking agent (which is also an intestinal “broom”) like 1 tbsp. sprouted flax and chia powder (available locally and online at various sites; you may have to purchase the two powders separately) along with 1/2 tsp. bentonite clay.
- NOTE: You cannot use these remedies if you are on an exclusively elemental diet – only if you are on a semi-elemental (also called half-elemental) diet in which you’re combining Absorb Plus with regular foods.
Also, read the list of ‘side-effects’ for any drugs you’re taking (including drugs you’re taking for other problems) and make sure your symptom(s) is not listed as a drug ‘side effect’.
Please keep in mind that pharmaceutical drugs actually CAUSE many of the symptoms we are trying to heal. Please take your time and wean off them at a pace that is safe for you, but know that until you are drug-free, the root-level healing of your body cannot begin – and that will then also take time – anywhere from 3 – 12 months, depending on the amount of damage and imbalance present.
3. Avoiding Emotional Healing
In many cases, the person is not seeing progress/healing take place because they are not sufficiently addressing an entire component of their gut: Emotional trauma or wounding. The gut registers and processes emotion as much (if not more than) the brain! Over 60% of the body’s neurotransmitters are not in the brain but in the gut, so you see there is NO WAY you can achieve full healing without addressing the emotional issues in your life/body.
Do NOT underestimate the importance of healing your emotional/spiritual body! So many people are very rigorous about implementing all of the physical aspects of my protocols, but they ignore the emotional healing and then wonder why they are not getting great results. Please know that until you have gotten into the emotional and spiritual side of your dis-ease, you have not given my healing methods a proper try.
Tools and Resources for Emotional Healing
I have a number of great resources and tools for you to use to begin your emotional/spiritual healing. But first, here’s a freebie to get you started. And then be sure and check out these emotional healing tools:
1. Learn more about one of my favorite mind/body healing tools: Lazer Tapping! This is based on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), which is derived from a Chinese acupuncture meridian tapping practice called Neigong but adapted for the western mind. I took the practitioner training for EFT Tapping back in 2010, then tapped myself into wholeness every day for 2 solid years, as I had so much stuff (emotional, spiritual, physical, psychological) to clear!
10 years later, I created my greatly simplified technique, Lazer Tapping, combined with accessing the wisdom of the body itself; the actual consciousness of the cells and tissues of the body. I’d love to share it with you! Join me for a free session here.
2. Use my guided healing visualizations and meditations. Recorded or digital healing sessions are a much cheaper, yet equally powerful way to experience profound healing from gifted healing facilitators. There is nothing I sell here that I haven’t experienced myself and know to be effective and often miraculous. ALL come with an unconditional guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by trying them! The children’s stories teach your child meditative (deep) breathing and how to connect to their intuition for problem-solving. Enjoy!
3. See my Teleseminar section in my Shoppe – podcasts and interviews with experts for specific issues you may be struggling with, as well as natural treatments for health conditions from detox to dental health (and everything in between)! Featuring a roster of holistic health experts, handpicked by me to share their life’s work and knowledge with you. You can also become an LTYG Wellness Circle member and get access to all of them!
Remember, ‘talk’ therapy is not enough. We need to utilize techniques that integrate the mind/body and release the trauma and wounding from the tissues (and cells) of the body itself. Advanced craniosacral therapy (I write about this in LISTEN TO YOUR GUT) is another integrated somato-emotional release therapy that’s very effective, as is hypnotherapy.
If you are interested in more info on private health consults, visit my recommended practitioner page. In good health!
P.S. My assistant Linsy wrote a Part 2 to this blog post, which you can read here.
Original post dated 2013. Most recently updated August 2021.
I wager that as an extension of the emotional component, being in an unsatisfactory or unhappy relationship dynamic could impair resilience and prevent one’s ability to heal.
I am witnessing this in a family member, and I think it is probably one of the most difficult aspects to tackle – as it will inevitably get worse before it gets better, but that is the trajectory for the healing path that one has to be prepared to travel if he/she wishes to be both physically and emotionally well. Although on conventional meds, my relative’s health has been deteriorating. He has been dealing with migraines, insomnia, mood disorders and susceptibility to infections – and I think it is aggravated by his unhappiness in his primary relationship and general life dissatisfaction. I wonder if this has been looked into for Crohn’s patients in particular; I’m sure that if patients and their health care providers were aware of the consequences (which also burdens the health delivery system) of not dealing honestly with these emotional stresses, they would take more pro-active steps in doing whatever they need to do to cut what brings their emotional angst. I would be interested in knowing how common this issue is in the community of people with intestinal disorders. I know 2 and both have not been able to experience true health – and they have both made unfortunate sacrifices/decisions when it comes to their relationships – partly due to not feeling worthy and knowingly settling for something less than happiness. Until they learn how to embrace their truths and accepting graces without fear they are mirages – they will be stuck in this cycle of despair of barely hanging on.
I agree with you LTD, but I don’t think you can limit these impairments (or saboteurs) to gut diseases. I think you’ll find this pattern common to MANY chronic or serious diseases.
Hi Jini!
I would like to know why we should not take Betaine HCL.
I’m a finishing studient of Naturopathic medecin that has crohn and I’ve learn that people with IBS, may not digest good protein in the stomac so they pass in the digestive track and by the time we developps allergies to certain food. So that why I was taking Betaine HCL. But I’m now in crise bleeding and I’m questionning my self about HCL.
Thanks for your advice.
I tank you so much for ALL the SO good imformations on your web site.
I did three weeks on the diet, finishing one and a half weeks ago, I’m steadily getting worse and worse, I came off my Mezevant during the diet so I could see if the diet was working but I feel terrible. I’m worse now than when I started. And considering going back on Mezevant. I wasn’t bleeding and only had one loose bowel movement a day, not diarrhea, just before I started (I have been much worse many times). I am taking a very high quality human strain probiotic and just started Seacure (hydrolized fish protein), and also vitamin D regularly.
I am very bloated and now have pain in my upper abdomen.
I am somewhat confused by food reintroduction there are no time guide lines and because my stool was liquid from the diet it was hard to tell what foods were bothering me!
Any suggestions?
Hi Bronwen,
The food re-introduction tables are for when your symptoms are under control. There isn’t a specific time guideline because everyone has a different situation and some people take longer than others to heal. The best advice we can give is to go through Jini’s blog post above thoroughly and see if there’s anything else that could have caused issues while you were on the elemental diet and go from there.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Does anyone have an opinion on drinking spring water versus purified water? We use purified water in our office because it’s much cheaper. I did some research and there are pros and cons to both (they apparently are both treated in some manner), but it seemed as if purified water was at least ‘safe’. In my opinion, spring water tastes better.
Hello, I was interested in healing a leaky gut. Do you have resources to healing this issue. I am open to purchase items concerning this.
Thank You,
Hi Daayon,
Jini suggests an elemental diet as a good way to heal a leaky gut. For more information, check out her book, The IBD Remission Diet:
If you have any additional questions, you can either respond here, click the “chat with us” tab at the bottom of your screen, or e-mail us at
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I also have additional questions regarding this.
Thank You Jini
Another great post! I was just telling a friend about your and Listen to Your Gut in a conversation where EFT also came up. What serendipity! I’ve sent her this link, of course…
Hi Liz,
Thanks so much for the word of mouth! If your friend has any questions about Jini’s products or protocols she can e-mail us at
Kind regards,
Customer Care
OK, I am committed to getting off Humira, and would like advice on the best way to do it. Thanks so much.
Hi Joan,
I’m afraid we’re unable to advise you with respect to prescription medication but you should definitely check out the blog post at the link below if your goal is to get off Humira:
Note that Dr. Goldberg has clients around the world and is able to do consultations via telephone and Skype. If you have any questions please let us know!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Inulin…better taken with or without food?
Hi Sarah,
In the post above, Jini does not recommend Inulin because this can aggregate people with IBS and IBD.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care