Browse Blog

Fix Your Eyesight Without Glasses or Surgery

I found this article and thought it was remarkable enough to pass on. It's the story of a young man's dreams taking flight after being told he would never achieve them. If you have bad eyesight or know anyone that does, you'll want to read this. Everything Old Is New Again: Rebuilding Your Vision Glasses, [...]

By |2023-01-20T12:27:32-08:00May 19th, 2021|

DMSO Eyedrops for Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Floaters, Vision

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you'll know I'm really big on using and testing DMSO-based protocols. I have popular protocols for hemorrhoids, rectal stricture and intestinal strictures - all using DMSO as a primary, active component. I also find the idea of using DMSO in eyedrops particularly interesting - and [...]

By |2023-11-22T09:52:03-08:00April 30th, 2019|
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