Browse Blog

Sun Rash Natural Healing

My friend came to me with one of the most bizarre problems I'd heard of: Ever since she was pregnant with her first child, she would instantly develop a rash wherever her skin was exposed to the sun. Previously, she had no problems with the sun and would tan nicely like everyone else. Well a [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:55:15-08:00July 27th, 2010|

Vitamin D Deficiency And Treatment

In my post about natural treatment for depression, vitamin D was mentioned as a substance that people are often deficient in. Today's post (courtesy of the Vitamin D Council) goes into the problem of vitamin D deficiency and treatment more in depth. Again, this is a very relevant issue for people with IBD and IBS [...]

By |2023-04-12T10:38:37-08:00May 14th, 2010|

Why Sunscreen Lotions Are Bad For Your Skin

My 3 Sunscreen-Free Kids in Puerto Vallarta Hopefully, many of you have already heard about why putting sunscreen on your skin - or children's skin - is actually damaging it. Sunscreen may reduce the outward appearance of damage (i.e. it takes longer for your kids skin to look and feel sunburned), but what you're not [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:23:20-08:00July 15th, 2008|
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