Browse Blog

Natural Birth Control

Those of you who have read Listen To Your Gut know that I recommend women avoid the birth control pill - since not only does it mess with your hormone balance (which is key to foundational health), it creates a gut environment that makes it difficult to establish a healthy bacterial flora. Increased estrogen during [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:57:47-08:00January 27th, 2010|

Should I Have A Baby?

My three monkeys: Zara, Hugo, Oscar, many years ago! I have a number of friends who have chosen to remain childless. And indeed, this is a growing trend in the Western world. Recently, I received an email from a friend of mine who has been staunchly committed to not having children her entire [...]

By |2016-05-21T18:00:26-08:00June 25th, 2008|
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