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Plants Won’t Grow Near WiFi Router Radiation

Five 9th graders carried out a science fair experiment showing how WiFi and cellphone radiation is harmful to living organisms. The girls had already noticed that if they slept with their cell phone next to their head, they had trouble concentrating in school the next day. So they got some garden cress seeds and put [...]

By |2023-10-10T19:58:39-08:00July 11th, 2013|

Flower Essences Vibrational Medicine

Flower essences are a form of vibrational medicine that has been used in Europe for hundreds of years. In this teleseminar, learn first-hand how this gentle, yet deep medicine works both to prevent and treat a variety of health issues. Flower essences - you may have heard of Bach Remedies, or Rescue Remedy - are [...]

By |2023-04-12T10:30:40-08:00March 10th, 2013|
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