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Auto Industry vs Pharmaceuticals

____________________________________________________ IF THE AUTO INDUSTRY OPERATED LIKE A PHARMACEUTICAL FIRM... ____________________________________________________ This is a really fun (but at the same time sobering) article that highlights some of the problems with prescription drugs - use, manufacture, sale, price, etc. On the positive side, as with anything in our world (factory farming, cell phone towers, GMO foods, [...]

By |2023-03-08T12:59:45-08:00December 20th, 2010|

Pharmaceuticals Battle Against Supplements

You may have noticed this already: Whenever a natural supplement or herbal medicine becomes well-known and widely used, with lots of evidence piling up for its efficacy - there will then be a slew of media releases in newspapers, magazines, and TV news reports, discrediting that natural medicine. Or, the FDA will ban the substance [...]

By |2023-01-26T09:27:26-08:00April 19th, 2010|
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