Browse Blog

Why You Should Avoid Fluoride

The Dangers of Systemic Fluoride Many of you know that I warn in Listen To Your Gut against using toothpaste that contains fluoride and I recommend you only drink filtered or spring water. Well, although I've taken a second look at topical vs. systemic (ingested) fluoride, here's some recent research that further backs up my [...]

By |2023-10-18T22:11:12-08:00May 28th, 2010|

Crohn’s Holistic Treatment

After nine years of doing private consultations for people with Crohn's disease and answering literally thousands of questions on my Forum, I have come to see that there are seven key protocols that nearly everyone needs to implement in order to see their digestive healing progress rapidly. By the time people find their way to [...]

By |2023-03-16T08:20:16-08:00April 14th, 2010|

Alternatives To Teflon Frying Pans

The Hidden Dangers of Teflon In Chapter 4 of Listen To Your Gut, I write about the dangers of Teflon-coated (and other non-stick coated) pots and pans and give you all the data on why we shouldn't use them. But then what are the best alternatives to teflon? Well, following is an interesting article from the [...]

By |2023-11-19T21:03:17-08:00January 27th, 2010|

Holistic Care Protocol for Post-Vasectomy Recovery

How Did We Reach the Decision for a Vasectomy? After a very lengthy process of weighing up the pros and cons of getting a vasectomy - which principally boiled down to potential immune consequences vs. strength of desire not to have another baby - my husband Ian decided to go ahead and have a vasectomy. [...]

By |2023-10-20T06:58:04-08:00November 3rd, 2009|
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