Browse Blog

Chronic Halitosis and The Gut

I recently received this interesting question: "I have been trying to resolve a major issue for over 15 years, but to no avail. I've gone to dozens of western doctors, in addition to, naturopaths, herbalists and homeopathic physicians. I haven't met one who has been able to give me a diagnosis. I've developed Major Depressive [...]

By |2023-04-14T10:01:38-08:00November 26th, 2019|

Radical Technique to Transform Pain

What pain do you suffer from on a daily basis? Or perhaps you just get severe pain during times of stress or flare ups? In this video, I share my technique to transmute pain from something that "hurts" to simply receiving messages from the body. I share how I fought full-contact martial arts, transformed severe [...]

By |2023-04-19T11:45:03-08:00August 27th, 2019|
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