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Synergistic Healing – Meditation, Prana, EFT

Annabel Fisher and I did a presentation together at the Canadian EFT Gathering a couple weeks ago - where I presented the theory behind combining more than one powerful healing tool together, for a synergistic effect that greatly maximizes the healing possible. Synergy is where 1+1 does not equal 2, it equals 5. So EFT [...]

By |2023-04-14T10:38:05-08:00November 12th, 2011|

Encouragement For Crohn’s Colitis

Ever feel like you're the only one on the path of natural healing? Or maybe you're thinking about getting off the drugs and asking for more out of life, but you're unsure. Perhaps it seems like such a longshot... Here's a video clip from Reid B. Kimball - who's working on a documentary film about [...]

By |2023-03-08T13:08:24-08:00October 18th, 2010|
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