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Can You Drink Too Much Kombucha?

Can too much of a good thing actually be a bad thing? Many people love their kombucha, but is it possible too much could, in fact, be harmful? Join me and Natasha Trenev, founder of Natren and world-renowned expert on probiotics and culturing and fermenting, as we continue to answer probiotic-related questions from my LTYG [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:47:44-08:00June 22nd, 2021|

Healthy Gut Bugs – Session 3 – Dangers of Kombucha & S. Boulardii

Join Natasha Trenev, founder/owner of Natren probiotics, and me as we discuss safety concerns around kombucha. Did you know that kombucha is fermented using a yeast culture? Natasha shares a news story of 20 people who died from drinking their home-fermented kombucha... We also have a great little scientific study on problematic issues with taking [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:51:07-08:00August 8th, 2018|
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