Browse Blog

Cell Phone Tower Next to Elementary School – 8 Kids with Cancer

I recently came across across this article in the Daily Mail UK, and I had to share - as I have been writing on the negative effects of WiFi, cell phones, and radiation for over a decade! If you have not read any of my previous posts surrounding this topic, I have linked to them [...]

By |2023-05-08T14:38:40-08:00December 25th, 2019|

Is Synthetic Soccer Turf Safe?

(c) ESPN E60: The Turf War My two sons play soccer, my husband coaches soccer (and played himself until a couple years ago) and in our house there's been a lot of discussion about how the synthetic turf fields are really hard on the joints. In fact, this is the reason my husband quit [...]

By |2023-04-14T11:34:58-08:00December 9th, 2015|

Toddler Diarrhea Or Constipation

A friend wrote to me of her son who was diagnosed with toddler diarrhea. A Colonoscopy revealed nothing serious - no inflammation or ulceration. He has been on various medications since being diagnosed a couple of years ago, but they only work short-term and then he is back to explosive stool, leakage of stool into [...]

By |2023-04-13T09:07:02-08:00December 14th, 2012|

Defibrillators In High Schools??

If your child (or you!) has been getting unexplained headaches, nosebleeds, insomnia, heart palpitations, nausea or dizziness, then it's a really good idea for you to take a look at your cell phone and WiFi exposure as a possible cause. This email sent out by a woman working tirelessly to get her school to hardwire [...]

By |2023-04-13T09:07:21-08:00May 22nd, 2012|

Should I Vaccinate My Child?

After months of solid research, looking at source data, these 5 points represent the crucial issues of vaccination that are not being answered. Each highlight a different facet of the vaccination/immunization question; effectiveness, adverse effects, and long-term consequences. The unspoken thread running through each of these is a pressing question: Why haven't more people been [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:54:39-08:00August 24th, 2010|

Kids And WiFi

My two older kids, Zara and Oscar, just launched their first website! They are very concerned about the effects of microwave radiation on kids - and the fact that schools and the government, and even parents are not doing anything about it. So they did this site especially for kids, written by them so that [...]

By |2023-05-05T12:22:11-08:00June 17th, 2010|

WiFi Is Not Safe For Kids!

You may have already done your research on cell phone safety, realized it's not safe for adults or children and either drastically reduced your usage, gotten an air tube headset, or like me, just stopped using one (along with your cordless phone in your house, which uses the same microwave frequency). But have you thought [...]

By |2023-05-16T11:10:44-08:00June 14th, 2010|

L-Glutamine Safe For Kids

L-Glutamine Safe For Kids Some readers have asked about if L-Glutamine is safe for kids, based on an article that appeared on Dr. Joseph Mercola's website. But again, read through it carefully and you'll see that this is only an issue when intake exceeds need. Otherwise, there is no excess and the body utilizes it [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:56:19-08:00May 28th, 2010|

Vaccine Safety

This is awesome! Dr. Andrew Wakefield (prominent GI who was viciously attacked by drug/med establishment for daring to suggest even the *possibility* of a link between MMR vaccine and IBD) finally gets to tell his side of the story and what exactly has been happening. He's so articulate and this info is GOLD:  If [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:56:59-08:00April 11th, 2010|
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