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Best Mind/Body Therapies for Healing Gut Diseases

What are some of the best mind/body therapies for healing gut diseases? Join me and Tami Hay, author of EarthGut: The Story of Peace, Love, Microbes, as we discuss what body/mind tools I have found to be most helpful along my healing journey.  0:32 - EFT Lazer Tapping: 1:13 - Craniosacral Therapy (Level [...]

By |2023-04-07T12:25:28-08:00May 3rd, 2021|

How To Heal Gut Disorders – Kavi Interviews Jini

Recently I was interviewed by Kavi Jezzie Hockaday in the UK. Here's what he has to say about the interview: "This is an amazing 2 hour interview! Jini Patel Thompson has written many books, and I have to say, she has the BEST INFORMATION I have come across. If you, or anyone you know, has [...]

By |2023-03-03T07:38:16-08:00August 24th, 2013|
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