Browse Blog

Top Reasons You Shouldn’t Use The Contraceptive Pill

Those of you who have Listen To Your Gut know that I strongly advise against using the contraceptive pill, or patch, or implant. Because not only do these drugs mess up your hormones and increase your cancer risk, but they also alter the pH in your GI tract and make it very difficult (if not [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:52:04-08:00August 26th, 2008|

Should I Have A Baby?

My three monkeys: Zara, Hugo, Oscar, many years ago! I have a number of friends who have chosen to remain childless. And indeed, this is a growing trend in the Western world. Recently, I received an email from a friend of mine who has been staunchly committed to not having children her entire [...]

By |2016-05-21T18:00:26-08:00June 25th, 2008|
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