Browse Blog

Alternatives To Teflon Frying Pans

The Hidden Dangers of Teflon In Chapter 4 of Listen To Your Gut, I write about the dangers of Teflon-coated (and other non-stick coated) pots and pans and give you all the data on why we shouldn't use them. But then what are the best alternatives to teflon? Well, following is an interesting article from the [...]

By |2023-11-19T21:03:17-08:00January 27th, 2010|

Teflon and High Cholesterol

Too funny - A new study from Boston University has found a correlation between people who use non-stick (T-Fal, Teflon, etc.) cookware and higher levels of "bad" HDL cholesterol. So, ironically, a major promotion tactic of non-stick cookware has been that if you use them, you can use less butter, oil, etc. and thereby reduce [...]

By |2023-03-16T08:36:25-08:00January 13th, 2010|
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