Perhaps you’ve been doing Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol and you’re not getting the results you wanted, or it’s taking a lot longer than you thought. Or perhaps you know of someone else who’s been on multiple rounds of antibiotics but they just can’t shake their infection. Well, what I’m going to suggest may seem a wee bit ‘out there’ but bear with me and it just might be the missing piece in your treatment…
I once had a session with Medical Qigong practitioner, Brian Mount, and we talked about his work with microbe consciousness (bacterial, viral, etc). He said their consciousness doesn’t seem to be attached to or IN their bodies the same way ours is. And it operates more like a group consciousness. So when he has clients come in with stubborn SIBO or gut infection, etc that is not responding at all to antibiotic or herbal treatment, and they’ve tried everything, the first thing he does with the client is:
1. Determine what condition (belief, pattern, trauma etc) created a space or invitation for the microbes in the first place. And they heal or resolve that initiating state in the person.
2. Then he dialogues with the consciousness of the virus or bacteria, saying things like, “Hey, there are so many places on this earth where you can thrive… how about you move somewhere better?” Now that the person is no longer feeling like a good home (because they shifted the pattern, belief etc that invited the microbe in) the consciousness seems to go, “Oh, okay” and just floats away.
3. Once the consciousness of the virus/bacteria/fungi has moved on, the body is able to flush the microbe bodies fairly easily. The patient will return in a week or two and report that the medication/herbs are finally working.
It’s all SO fascinating, isn’t it?
We know from the work of Dr. Bonnie Bassler (see video below) that bacteria speak to each other and function very much like a collective, so Brian’s experience makes a lot of sense. If you’ve been dealing with a stubborn infection that just won’t shift, perhaps this is a good approach for you to try. You could use my guided healing audio to bring you into meditative state and then connect with the consciousness of whatever microbes are infecting you. Maybe ask them why they’re there? Ask why they like living with you? Ask why they consider you a good host?
If you can’t get anywhere on your own, then book with a good therapist/practitioner – EFT Tapping, Matrix Reimprinting, Energy/Spiritual healer, etc – who can guide you through. Just send them this blog post when you book your appointment so they know what you want.
Original post dated December 2017. Most recently updated June 2021.
A couple of weeks ago I started taking 4 drops of wild oregano oil orally per day for some persistent and annoying nasal and eye irritation (allergy?). The unexpected side-effect was that my lower intestinal discomfort was reduced by at least 65% after taking the oil for only 2 or 3 days. I think there is some validity to the oil’s effectiveness.
Awesome Terrence! Thanks so much for sharing and we’re looking forward to hearing more about your progress!
How long can one stay on high level of 25 drops/day, safely without creating new issues?
Thank you for writing in, Natalie. For the oregano oil dosage, It’s a good idea to start with lower amounts or lowered frequency and then build up over
time. For example, start with half the dosage of wild oregano oil, then gradually build up, or take once or twice per day to start, establish tolerance and then increase to full frequency and dosage. We have some readers that are taking oregano 20-25 drops/day with no severe reaction. Oregano is a strong substance and in some cases, it can be too much for the body to handle so you might want to do more research on this to be 100% safe. Also, please note that Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol is NOT just wild oregano – the combination (and timing) WITH the probiotics is key. Please check Jini’s eBook ‘What You Need To Know About Oregano‘
As in all things, please follow your own gut instinct first. If you feel you should pursue aggressive supplementation, then please do so.
Cris B
Customer Care
Sorry I meant oregano oil at 25 drops/daily, and still being safe?
I started a course of wild oregano using 5 drops in the morning and then taking 2 probiotic capsules along with the drops. I noticed that the painful gassy feeling in my stomach stopped within a few days. After about a week, I am reducing to one or two drops a day to see if that will maintain the benefits that I was experiencing. The probiotics that I purchased, Bluebiotics, were very expensive but highly rated. I still have not seen really exceptional results from them with regards to regularity, but I am continuing to take them. Overall, I think the wild oregano was the most successful part of this dietary change.
The best probiotics I have tried are Natren Healthy Trinity and Life Start 2. The Life Start 2 work almost immediately.
For maintenance I take 5 drops 2-3X per day. If I get an infection I use Jini’s Wild Oregano Protocol and has never failed me. The Wild Oil of Oregano is like a miracle drug. I have used it knock out a campylobacter jejuni infection in half a day.
I have had multiple rounds of diverticulitis and am curious about following the protocol, but I also am very sensitive to salicylates. Since herbs and spices really bother me, I’m not sure about the oregano oil. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Kinda – You can also use Olive leaf instead – comes in capsules or tincture.
Just got diagnosed with diverticulitis. Had bad abdominal pain on left abdomon. My question is, I eat mainly organic food and take supplements, how did I get This??? Also have been on ketogwnic diet for 7 mths, do you th ink that triggered it? Can it be cured?
Thanks in advance,
Wendy Schweitzer
Hi Wendy,
Thank you for reaching out! Diverticulitis is a common form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) caused when small bulging sacs or pouches called diverticula form in weak spots in the lining of the colon. Small pieces of food and feces can become trapped in these pouches, most often in the large intestine. These diverticula can then become inflamed and/or infected – causing the bowel condition called diverticulitis. The most common diverticulitis symptom is abdominal pain.
For the best management and treatment of diverticular disease, your diet should vary according to your symptoms. During good times, it’s best to eat a diet that promotes easy digestion and absorption and tones the intestinal wall. But during a diverticulitis flare-up, it’s best to stick to a liquid diet to provide bowel rest, flush the colon, and to prevent a blockage or obstruction. It is also easier to heal intestinal inflammation or infection while on a highly nutritious liquid diet.
Additional natural healing substances like wild oregano oil, aloe vera juice, probiotics and MucosaHeal can be used to eliminate the infection and heal intestinal inflammation during this time. For full usage and dosage details for these natural remedies please check out Jini’s Listen To Your Gut book.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Also Wendy, you don’t need to get the book right away – a lot of the treatment protocol for diverticulitis is outlined here, so you can see if it appeals to you:
L Glutamine seems to have a lot of side effects is there anything a bit safer to substitute for
Hi Kimberly,
Thanks for reaching out! If this is for Diarrhea, there are other remedies you can try below for quick relief:
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I would like to use something during diver flares to prevent infection naturally or to fight it .I have no life with this I spend everyday trying to heal it completely.No matter what I do I still flare.And doctors treat you like crap if you refuse antibiotics.My grandkids need me and I am 46 and feel like I’m 90
Hi Kimberly,
Sorry to hear of your struggles. Ideally, it’s best to stick to only liquid nutrition for the entire duration of your flare-up. For some people, this means three days, for others, it means a few weeks. Since your diverticulitis flare-ups will depend on the severity of your disease, your stress levels, other healing strategies you are using, and your foundational level of health, your healing may be a lot faster – or a lot slower – than someone else’s.
So, it’s recommended you listen to your own body and stay on liquid diet like Absorb Plus shakes for as long as your infection is acute and you are at risk of a blockage. It’s also best to alternate your Absorb Plus shakes with bone broths (see the Chicken Broth Recipe at the end of the Diverticulitis Treatment and Relief Report (sign up for this report in the pink box on the left hand side of this page HERE) since the gelatin in the broth is very healing for the gut and the savory soup provides needed taste variety.
When you’re ready to introduce solid foods again, start with pureed foods and soups to gradually ease yourself back into solid foods. You may want to stay on a mix of Absorb Plus shakes and soft foods for an additional week or two, just to be sure you are well over the flare and to give your body the best opportunity for healing. We wish you all the best!
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Feeling your pain it can really get you down sometimes .
Have had nasty flair ups a lot in the last year myself.
Some things that have helped me . I try not to be cranky with my body I try to give be kind ,mentally saying things like ” come on body we can overcome this ” . Slippery Elm Bark has been helpfull for my condition ,also Bone Broth
If your really busy and cant make it . The Pharmacy sells it in powder form.
All the best in your recovery .Try not to worry .
Is absorb plus safe if you have stomach ulcers?
Hi Kim,
Ingredients in Absorb Plus are all natural, therefore its totally safe to take for any condition. We have some samples available if you wish to try it first. Click here.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi there! My 11 year old son had started a flare around Novemeber. I found Jini on YouTube, but was slightly overwhelmed by all the processes. I started him on the Oregano protocol a little over a month ago. We went gluten and dairy free about 7 years ago and for the most part, he has been pretty well this whole time. In conjunction with the flare, we visited the GI Dr. She brought up a concern with his weight gain (lack of as he had actually gone DOWN in weight) and also lack of growing taller. We have been hitting these supplements hard with oregano multiple times a day, he has gradually progressed from Bifido to Bifido and MegaDophilis (not ready for Digestalac yet), he is taking nano minerals, creatine to build muscle, we are putting comfrey salve on his abdomen and following with a clay heat pack to get it to penetrate. He is taking L-Glutamine multiple times a day and 1 Absorb Plus shake a day to try to keep from the meds that the doctor is suggesting. We went back to the GI Dr yesterday and his weight remained the same since Dec (although here at home it has been widely fluctuating. Recorded weight 66. Has gone down as far as 63 and then up as high as 70.) They think he should be 14 lbs heavier. I have been busting my bottom trying to get these supplements to him before his wake up time so we can get it into an empty tummy and then setting timers for 2 hours after dinner to give him probiotics, so it is a lot of disturbing his sleep just because he does not have often that he stomach is empty. Is there something else you can recommend to me? My other concern is that we have been giving him oregano multiple times a day for just shy of 6 weeks. I expected that his sedimentation level was going to go down because of getting rid of bad bacteria etc. It actually went UP from 37 to 60! Do you have any ideas about this? I am so confused!! I feel like his face looks so much clearer when I look into his eyes than before so I feel like what we are doing is working and when I ask him to ask his gut what is helping, he says Oregano and probiotics. What is going on? We do other natural healing things where sometimes results can look worse before they get better because energetically, things are getting mixed up. Can you give me any advice? I really liked this article about stubborn bacteria- it resonated. Thought my question may fit in well here. Thank you in advance!!
Thank you! I am really looking forward to the reply! Since my post, we have received back the C Reactive Protein and that has gone up 8 points as well, so it is coming in at 14.5. The doctor said that she sees patients who are well near a zero marker for that. We have appt with acupuncture dr this week as well. I appreciate it!
Unfortunately, I cannot give you any feedback on the GI tests – I urge you to consult an Integrative physician, naturopath – Dr. Paul Goldberg is a master at the ups and downs of the healing journey. Or just study some of the case studies on his site:
A way to make the probiotic dosing easier and still encourage weight gain, is to hand-mix the probiotics into a protein shake, or Absorb Plus shake. Don’t use a blender as it can shear the bacterial wall.
Remember it takes at least 6 months to rebuild a good gut flora. And as mycobacterium (MAP) become active (they have a dormant-active lifecycle and it can take about 2 years to eradicate) everything worsens. This cycle occurs every 8-12 weeks or so for 2-3 years. Hope that helps! And give your son a big hug from me. Remind him too, to visualize the healing he wants – images in the brain/imagination, direct the body in what to do. He can do this every night before bed – give his body instructions of what to work on while he sleeps. See Ch. 6 of LTYG for more ideas.
Thank you very much for all this info! I will take a look at the Drs and do some muscle response testing and see if they may be a match for my son at this point in time. He goes in cycles. We do see an acupuncture Dr who said (after my post to youy) that he was being very reactive to fungus and dairy. He had been completely dairy free before we added shakes and probiotics- I just was so excited at the possibility of him being able to tolerate dairy by using the dairy probiotics (thank you for that hope!) but I think I went too fast. I have been trying to include my son as much as possible in this healing process as it is HIS body and before I know it, he will be out of the house etc. We are going to order some Vegan B Infantis. That is what my gut told me we should have done from the beginning, but this was a valuable learning experience! We have dairy Bifido and Megadophilis to add in little at a time down the line a bit. Thank you so much for all the info you present online and making this easier on us! I very much appreciate you and all your elves that make what you do possible! Much love to you all.
Is the oregano oil, aloe vera, mucosoheal and probiotics a good regiment for someone with SIBO who has had no response to antibiotics and standard herbal protocol?
Hello Antoinette,
Yes, Probiotics to repopulate your gut with good flora while the wild oregano oil wipes out the bad stuff.. We also now have clinical trial evidence that a 14-day elemental diet is “highly effective” with an 80 – 84% success at eradicating small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) because: “Elemental diets have been shown to reduce enteric flora.”
Please check Dr. Alison Siebecker’s information about SIBO and appropriate treatments below:
Kind Regards,
Cris B,
Customer Care
How long is it recommended to take the oregano oil? How do I know when the bad bacteria is killed without having another stool sample test done? Can I take at the same time as Sovereign Silver, but at a different time of the day? Thank you.
Hi Janet,
You should be able to take it indefinitely as long as you’re also supplementing with probiotics to repopulate your gut with good flora while the wild oregano oil wipes out the bad stuff. For more details, check out page 152 of Jini’s Listen to Your Gut book. You can also read more about wild oregano oil here:
The protocol calls for 1-3 months, or until infection or symptoms are gone, and that’s a good indication that it is working. Jini’s and many of her readers was on the Oregano protocol for over 2 years (cycling on and off to get rid of disease causing bacteria, parasites, etc) and more If you have a mycobacterial infection – as they have an inactive/active lifecycle. Again, check Jini’s LTYG book or the link above to learn more about that and let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi Jini,
Great information here! The Oil of Oregano has been a game changer for me.
Can you recommend a good naturopathic/holistic practitioner that works one-on-one?
I’m not sure if you personally offer that, and I’ve also seen you with Dane Johnson, but I thought I’d ask directly.
Hi Matt! So happy you found this info helpful! Here is a list of all of the practitioners Jini recommends (who are also familiar with her protocols!):