List of Foods to Avoid While Healing the Gut
There are many things you just don’t want to eat – they are too hard on your system, and they really counteract the healing and delay healing you’re trying to achieve.
In this video, I provide you with a list of the foods you want to avoid, as well as foods you will want to reduce while healing your gut.
What are some good food options whilst healing the gut?
- Elemental (Bowel Rest) Diet
- If you prefer to stick with whole foods (and your system can tolerate them): Common Foods to Heal IBD
- Options for those of you who cannot afford (or perhaps do not need) to go on an elemental diet: When You Cannot Afford an Elemental Diet
Sign-up for my FREE gut guide here, and click here for all of my gut-friendly recipes.
Click here and visit my Home Remedy pages to find a protocol for your symptom(s).
So during the healing phase there are a number of things that you
just do not want to eat. They’re too hard on your system and they
really counteract the healing and delay the healing that you’re trying to
achieve. Some people for example tolerate raw
milk or raw cheese made from cow dairy. Other people don’t. A lot of people can
tolerate goat cheese because it’s closer to
human breast milk in terms of the proteins,
Foods to Avoid
so the additional guidelines are no preservatives,
no artificial anything – dough conditioners, flow agents,
you know, anything with MSG: monosodium glutamate.
Anything with nitrates, so that means all of your deli meats and your hot dogs.
Nitrates are incredibly damaging to the gut,
and a lot of trials show they contribute directly to colon cancer.
No alcohol, no caffeine, no carbonated drinks. Again,
too hard, too acidic on the gut. Also, no hydrogenated vegetable oils or margarine.
That includes any foods that are fried or deep-fried
in your regular vegetable oils like canola.
Anything that doesn’t say cold-pressed on the label
is going to be hydrogenated. There’s also a list of substances that
you need to at least reduce if you can’t
eliminate them. So the first one, of course, is sugar.
Sugar feeds all those bad bacteria: candida albicans, yeast,
mycobacteria in your gut, so you want to use stevia
or luo han guo instead as they are natural sweeteners that don’t contain
any monosaccharides or disaccharide sugar molecules.
The next thing you want to do is you want to reduce your grains and your
starchy carbs for exactly the same reasons.
All of these carbohydrates break down into sugars in the gut,
and when you have a predominant of bad bacteria in your gut
that’s what’s going to get fed by all these carbs. Once you’ve balanced your
gut flora and you’ve got a healthy
microbiome, then a certain amount of carbs is
actually a beneficial thing. The next thing you want to do is avoid
fermented vinegary and acidic foods. Again, acidic foods are
too hard on the gut. Just like alcohol, the vinegar is often a flashpoint food
for people, it’s just too abrasive on the gut and
in the beginning, fermented foods are too difficult
to handle because again, you don’t have the beneficial
gut flora. So you may start by building up using targeted probiotics, and once
your microbiome is greatly improved you can usually add in fermented foods
and actually derive a benefit from them. Alright, fruit is
another item you’ve got to be careful of. Again, if you have a lot of candida
and also bad bacteria in there you need to
minimize your fruit consumption, but for digestive
processes you need to eat your fruit in isolation
because fruit digests very quickly (about 20 minutes) and then it ferments
if you’ve added it together with carbohydrates or
protein, so you really want to eat your fruit
What about Fruits and Vegetables?
just by itself. Don’t have an apple pie, just have the apples.
The other thing you need to reduce is your roughage type
fiber. A lot of doctors will tell you to increase
your roughage fiber, but that’s not actually beneficial for inflammatory
bowel disease. You also need to avoid cruciferous, s0
that’s the whole cabbage family, garlic, onions, broccoli, cauliflower.
All those types of vegetables. And you also need to avoid raw vegetables.
Again, something that’s very healthy for
a normal digestive system is too hard to digest, so you won’t even
absorb the nutrients and it’s highly likely to give you diarrhea.
Free Gut Guide
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Thank you very much to all for helping people!
Mari, you are so welcome! I am happy you found this helpful! We will have a video on what foods you CAN eat coming out soon. 🙂
I am searching the site for help with a perforated colon with diverticulitis. I went to the hospital and took the antibiotics. Now my intestines are still sore and I know I need to continue helping myself get better. I am 66 years old and concerned do you hear ideas to help me. I have the Listen To Your Gut book and I’ve been searching your site but I don’t see anything specifically for my issue. Do I do the same thing for it as people do for structures and blockages?
Hi Deborah – in this case, it’s best to consult your doctor or holistic practitioner, as a perforated bowel can lead to sepsis – which can be life-threatening. It’s best to address this with the doctor who diagnosed you, as we are not licensed professionals, and oftentimes surgery is necessary if left untreated.
The one thing that comes to mind that may bring you relief from the soreness you mentioned is a hot castor oil pack. Castor oil (extracted from the castor bean) penetrates deep into the tissues and stimulates the lymphatic system, to get the good stuff in and the bad stuff out. Due to its ability to increase circulation, castor oil also helps to break up adhesions and scar tissue in muscles – which can often be a cause of pain or repeated injury due to restriction.
A castor oil pack has many applications and has also been used in cases such as non-malignant uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, headaches, liver disorders, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal disorders, gallbladder inflammation or stones, poor elimination, inflamed joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and general detoxification. Here is more info on that:
All the best to you!