Why Is My Gut Not Healing Faster?
READER QUESTION: “Feeling frustrated. I think I’m on my 4th bottle of MucosaCalm and still have a lot of bleeding and a lot of mucus (taking 2 three times a day and 3 at bed). I was taking the Natren probiotics, but it seemed to make everything worse. I changed back to VSL3 probiotics and things have calmed slightly. I’ve tried the healing enema kit for about a week and I tried one probiotic enema. The probiotic enema tripled the amount of mucus in each BM. I guess I’m pretty sensitive to those, which is strange because I was taking them for a while before Natren. Anyway- I don’t know what to do. This flare has been almost a year, and I’m just exhausted with it. I’m still going to continue with it for now and pray it gets better.”
So when I read an email like this, there are several things we can brainstorm/troubleshoot because for the number of physical things she’s doing here, she certainly should be seeing more improvement! Let’s take a look at the possibilities and see if we can determine why she is not healing faster. And of course, you can apply these exact same explorations to your own healing journey!
1. The first thing I would do is check the timing of the supplements she’s taking to make sure they’re not interfering with each other. And also check that she’s not taking something (perhaps hidden in one of her supplements) that causes bleeding – like Betaine HCL. I KNOW how difficult it can be to set up your supplement schedule, so here are some helpful resources:
Confusing Supplement Schedule – HELP!
Confusing Supplement Schedule – 4 Simplifying Tips
Before & After Examples of Supplement Schedules
2. Consider that she needs to go on a completely liquid diet and LIE DOWN horizontal until her bleeding stops – doing the Healing Implant Enema and Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol at the same time. She could try the whole food shakes and bone broths first. But if that doesn’t provide enough bowel rest, then she likely needs The IBD Remission Diet.
3. If she hasn’t done Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol, then that would be my first recommendation. It can take a LONG time to see results from probiotics alone, and she also needs a potent anti-pathogen agent to kill all the nasties in her gut.
4. She doesn’t mention whether she is also taking any drugs. Many drugs directly counter the effects of these healing protocols. For example, the birth control pill and steroids both make it very difficult for good bacteria to colonize the gut.
5. Her top, major stressor and dis-ease element may not be physical! She needs to look closely at her emotional and spiritual situation. If her body was speaking on behalf of her higher self, what would it be saying? What would be the message her body is trying to deliver? Maybe she needs to change a relationship, change jobs/careers, move somewhere else, etc. And until she listens to her gut and actions her inner guidance, her body will not heal!
6. Is she simultaneously using a mind/body therapy – where the emotional is integrated with the physical tissues of the body? Long-term dis-ease like this needs the support of gifted healing professionals. MY favorite therapy which integrates the mind/body/spirit is Lazer Tapping! After a 10-session package with an EFT Tapping therapist changed my life, I took the practitioner training for EFT Tapping back in 2010. I then tapped myself into wholeness every day for 2 solid years, as I had so much stuff (emotional, spiritual, physical, psychological) to clear.
I created the Lazer Tapping course because for years I looked for a course or workshop to refer my friends and readers to…a way to access this super powerful healing technique for themselves. Without having to pay a therapist $150 every single time they needed help. And I never could find that course, so I created it! I encourage you to join me for a free session here.
7. Is she giving herself time and space to heal? Or is she simultaneously working full-time, or taking care of a family, parents, etc., or going to school, or something else that requires a significant output of time and energy? It takes a LOT of energy to heal! See point #2 above – how is blood supposed to even clot (let alone heal) if you won’t lie down and take the pull of gravity off the tissues?
How’s her boundary setting – is she even aware of how she sabotages her own body/healing by not being able to say no, or advocate for herself, and so on? Again, there are common saboteurs that people with chronic illness tend to have, so these need to be investigated and released/transformed.
8. Is she sure the blood is coming from her colon and not from hemorrhoids (internal or external) or her rectum? Perhaps she has an anal fissure, or proctitis? These would require different treatments – but all targeted to the rectal area, not the colon.
9. Perhaps she is only doing one or two things at a time? Holistic, natural healing can be greatly increased and speeded up by using the synergistic power of numerous healing protocols done simultaneously. Any ONE of the ideas given above is not likely going to affect healing, but if (for example) she is doing supplements, bowel rest, mind/body healing, setting good boundaries, getting plenty of rest and peace and moving out of a toxic living arrangement, she may find her healing progresses rapidly!
Remember, your body is ALWAYS advocating on your behalf. So if you’re not healing, then there is a valid reason why and you need to keep looking until you find it.
Original post dated 2017. Most recently updated September 2021.
Could it be SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth)? Parasites, virus? These can also hinder improvement.
Hi Amy,
That’s a possibility and one reason why Jini recommends #3 in the blog post above. Thanks for commenting!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I feel like the woman in the picture ,why isn’t my gut healing faster, was comforted to read this email . thank you so much for your time and your encouragement. will keep persevering with the natren probiotics .
Thanks for taking the time to comment, Dell. We wish you all the best and would love to hear how the probiotics work out for you!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I would like to ask Jini.why using probiotics (natren) cause me bleeding and I am dealing with candida overgrowth .
Hi Maya – some people tend to be more sensitive to probiotics, so you need to start slowly (usually with an infant strain) and work your way up.
IF you don’t tolerate probiotics, then start with only 1 species in POWDER form, start with only a pinch or 1/8 tsp of one species and gradually build up. If you tend towards constipation, then start with Digesta-Lac. If you’re normal, or tend towards diarrhea, then begin with Life Start. Gradually add the other species once you tolerate the normal dose of the first species.
Here is a blog post with more information on which probiotic is best for you: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/probiotic-cheat-sheet/
And Jini’s home remedy page on candida overgrowth: https://listentoyourgut.com/candida-yeast-infection/
Excellent post.
The thing I find so disheartening is that – I think I am doing all I can and progressing very slowly but certainly progressing. Then something pops up YET AGAIN, to knock me down. Something weird and unexpectedly debilitating that no-one could see coming. (Currently a suspected minute spider bite, that is causing such mayhem to my neurological system, it is hard to believe.)
My philosophy is that ‘from everything bad comes something good!’ – and usually more than just one good thing. Despite believing this, and experiencing so many blessings over the past several years whilst struggling with my health, it is still so very hard to go through the latest challenge. Sometimes I feel very frightened, so it is very helpful to be reminded to
‘Remember, your body is ALWAYS advocating on your behalf. So if you’re not healing, then there is a valid reason why and you need to keep looking until you find it.’
Thank you Jini. I have learned a lot from you. I find your books and your writings very encouraging, and full of valuable advice, such as oregano oil, DMSO, and how to prepare an elemental drink when you have many intolerances.
Thank you for all your work and for sharing
kindest regards
Hi Naomi,
Thank you for your feedback! Your thoughts are important to us. We wish you all the best!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
You’re welcome Naomi and please join my conversation with Tami Hay here – I think you will get a lot out of it:
Hi Jini
Thanks. There is a lot of content in this interview with Tami. I found it very worthwhile to listen to.
I especially enjoy how you, as always, express your viewpoints clearly and still in full consideration of life’s complexities and peoples’ individuality.
I learn and gain so much from you.
kindest regards
Hi Jini,
Out of curiosity, what’s the success rate of people with Crohn’s disease that have success using your Elemental Diet?
Also what’s the quickest way to stop a bleeding colon without using your enema?
I asked one of your customer service representatives and they said 80%-90%.
Hello Frank,
Jini’s protocols work well for a large number of people but not everyone experiences identical results as everyone is dealing with a unique blend of health challenges. Here’s a link to our testimonial page if you would like to read some accounts that customers have shared with us:
Jini’s Premium Healing Implant Enema Kit is the absolute fastest way to stop colonic bleeding we’ve ever come across, along with MucosaHeal , George’s Aloe Vera Juice and elemental liquid diet. If bleeding is mild, or is only from the small intestine, take MucosaHeal along with George’s Aloe Vera Juice and L-glutamine. Probiotics are also very helpful, along with the appropriate Healing Diet for Crohn’s disease (from Jini’s book Listen To Your Gut).
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi Jini , I have Ulcerative Colitis suffering from diarrhea with bleeding using the Mucosaheal and Shakes about three weeks now I see some improvements there are days I go less often but then I go back but not all the way to square one I guess like you say it’s a spiral l am just tired of the bleeding I read the information see where I need to get some supplement which I plan on doing I am very hopeful this is going to work fo me
Hello Lorna,
Thank you for contacting us here. If the bleeding is from the colon then use Jini’s Healing Implant Enema, MucosaHeal and George’s Aloe Vera Juice, along with an elemental liquid diet. Jini’s Implant Enema is the absolute fastest way to stop colonic bleeding. It is an implant, or retention enema, so the goal is to retain the mixture until all the liquid is absorbed. This colon enema can stop light to moderate colonic bleeding in as few as one or two applications. Click link below to learn more about this and let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/jinis-premium-healing-implant-enema-kit/
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I have had ulcerative colitis for many years. Now I have microscopic colitis . I also have been tested for SIBO and I have that also. I have tried the Elemental diet for 2 weeks then went back on the SCD diet. I still have some diarrhea and never have a normal stool. Do you have any suggestions? I really enjoy your blog, and have been helped in many ways by your information. Thanks, Peggy
Hi Peggy,
I’m glad you find the information in Jini’s blog useful! L-Glutamine is one of the best remedies to stop diarrhea that Jini have found. However, while it resolves the symptom, it does not completely address the cause of diarrhea – for that, you also need to follow Jini’s Natural treatment for Ulcerative colitis to get to the root cause or imbalance in the body.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Hi Jini, i have crohns and today is day 15 of my elemental diet and I’m doing all the shakes and adding all the supplements to the shakes. Its also my 15th day on the oregano oil. I’m experiencing an urge to go to the bathroom every time I drink a shake or take the oil as well as my mushroom broth. I do work 30 hours a week but get 3 days off so I just completely rest. My plan is to go 6-7 weeks on a full elemental diet. Am I doing something wrong or is die off still happening? Every movement I get is explosive and very liquidy.
Hi JP,
Thank you for contacting us. Absorb Plus or other elemental shakes will produce marked changes in stool and bowel movements because Absorb Plus is a pre-digested, liquid food product. Therefore, whilst consuming it, you will have mushy or liquid bowel movements – they may feel and look like diarrhea, but they actually are not – there is no loss of nutrients or electrolytes – they are just reflecting the liquid nature of the food source. Try drinking the elemental shakes at room temperature to combat this bowel effect. Take Natren brand probiotics in powder form whilst consuming the shakes, this can often reduce the urgency and liquidity of bowel movements. You can mix the probiotic powders into the shake by hand and shake briskly for 10 seconds or so. I also urge you to consider using Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema sooner, rather than later to implant a mega-dose of beneficial bacteria straight into the colon – and lower part of the small intestine. Check-out this blog below from Jay Baluk (a.k.a. CROHNSBOY) who tried Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hey Jini, I have ulcerative proctitis and have been on a very expensive prescription medication to treat it for the last 6 years, before that I was on oral steroids and then steroid enemas for about a year.
When I got pregnant with my son two years ago I stopped taking my medication completely because my doctor said it was a class B drug, which they did not feel was anything to worry about, but I did not feel comfortable taking it while I was pregnant and breastfeeding. So about a year after I had my baby I was done breastfeeding and starting to bleed and flare up again. It was also happening right around the time I had a follow appointment scheduled with my GI. I told him what was going on and he recommended I get back on the prescription again. I asked him if there where any other options and he brought up getting me on a steroid enemas again and I did not want to go back to that! So back on the expensive pills I went! I have not been taking them properly for the last few months mostly because it’s causing me anxiety thinking abut it having to get the perscription refilled! I just googled my condition and in doing so I came across a video about your protocols and steps for healing and I have to say I learned more from your 1 hour video than I have in the years past that I have been dealing with my condition! I am just wondering where you would recommend I start because my condition is so localize and is much more mild. Still it’s exisitng and uncomfortable non the less but I really don’t have much sensitivity to foods. Lately I have been constipated and when I do have a BM it is only mucus or mucusy stool. I have started to spasm as well. I know it’s only going to get worse from here if I don’t start doing something about it so any feed back that you may have would be much appreciated!!! I am so happy I found you and I will continue to read up and I am determined to find something that works for me and my gut!!
Just wanted to note that the Betaine HCI you mentioned is in the ingredients of the Nature’s Plus Adult chewable vitamins and minerals.
Hey Jini, I had an inflammation of the bowel and was diagnosed with Diverticulitis last December. Since then, I still have pain on the left quadrant off and on. Not inflammation, but just an annoying ache. Is this normal or is it scar tissue? Is there anything to help with this issue? I did take muchosaheal and for awhile but then felt it wasn’t helping. I maybe did not take strong enough dose. Is it safe to keep taking this? I did just order another tub of Absorb Plus, but was not sure how often to use. Any suggestions for taking away the pain or to keep the diverticulitis away and repair tissue? Thanks, Jan
Hi Janet,
Thank you for contacting us here. In extreme cases, the fastest way to heal diverticulitis – especially if you have a bowel blockage or obstruction – is to go on an elemental liquid diet to rest the gut and eliminate foods that trigger inflammation. Aside from bowel rest using Absorb Plus liquid diet, other important steps that you need to follow is to eradicate pathogenic microorganisms (like bad bacteria, yeast, fungi, etc.) using Wild Oregano and then re-populate the bowel with good bacteria using Probiotics .
If you don’t require anything as drastic as an elemental liquid diet, then just follow the appropriate Healing Diet (in Chapter 3 of Jini’s first book, Listen To Your Gut) for your symptom profile, while following Jini’s 8 key steps to heal Diverticulitis. If you do start with an elemental liquid diet, then begin the rest of the protocols at the same time. If you can tolerate it, the multi-pronged healing approach is the quickest natural treatment for Diverticulitis.
Use of MucosaHeal should vary according to the severity of symptoms you’re experiencing. Many natural health professionals classify severe symptoms as those including intestinal bleeding and severe inflammation. Moderate symptoms are classed as those including minimal or sporadic intestinal bleeding and moderate inflammation.
To help with severe symptoms: Take 2 capsules on an empty stomach, 3 times a day. Then take 3 capsules on an empty stomach right before bed. Ideally, empty your bowels before taking the 3 capsules at night.
To help with moderate symptoms: Take 1 capsule 3 times per day, on an empty stomach. Then take 3 capsules on an empty stomach right before bed. Ideally, empty your bowels before taking the 3 capsules at night.
I also recommend getting Jini’s book Listen to your Gut If you’d like to immerse yourself in a ton of information ASAP. Listen To Your Gut contains everything you need to heal yourself. And after reading it, you’ll have a good idea of whether you need/want to embark on an elemental diet, or not. We wish you all the best! Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I have bought the book and admit to having only gotten through about half of it. I am, however, confused about one thing so far. I have been diagnosed with Ulcertaive Colitis and have been bleeding with each BM for months now. In the book, it says to stave off using the Oregano oil if bleeding is severe. I’m not sure what to consider severe, as I only bleed when I’m on the toilet. Also, I’m on an antiinflamatory called Apriso. My doctor makes it sound like Advil for the colon. It worked really well to eradicate my symptoms at first, but then I stopped taking it. Now they’re back and worse than ever, and the Apriso seems to be helping only a little (if at all). I have to travel for work sometimes, and it’s hard to eat healthy on the road.
I saw the video of my colonoscopy made last summer, and tehre were no ulcers, but also the bleeding was much lighter. I wonder if that’s gotten worse now, as I keep voiding what looks like big blood clots. Is that a sign of “severe” bleeding? My diet is pretty normal for the most part, except the week where I tried a juice fast.
Yes, according to Jini, it’s best to first get the bleeding to stopped before starting a natural antibiotic/antimicrobial treatment. If your colonic bleeding is very light and infrequent, or, if the bleeding is just from a fissure in the rectum, then you can begin a natural antibiotic/antimicrobial treatment right away. We’re not medical professionals so we cant guide you as to what is considered mild, moderate or severe bleeding, unfortunately.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
try cellulase
Hi Mary,
Can you give us a bit more information about cellulase? Is this something you personally use?
Kind regards,
Savannah B
Customer Care
Sometimes, believe it or not, you can be doing everything to the best of your ability , and still be very ill. That’s why IBD is one of many incurable diseases. I love the products and use them regularly to HELP me manage it, but unfortunately, not vanquish it. And I don’t blame myself for “ missing “ something I’m doing wrong. Everyone out there fighting this frustrating disease… just do, the best you can. And above all, don’t pick yourself.. or the very limited amount of nutrition we ingest apart as the cause of ongoing illness.
I hear what you’re saying Gail. And I am living proof that this statement, “IBD is one of many incurable diseases” is simply not true.
Having said that, perhaps your healing doesn’t lie in the physical realm, or in the removal of symptoms? Perhaps for you, healing lies in learning to have peace and joy in the midst of the affliction… Only you know your unique path. And I’m so pleased you’ve found effective tools to manage your symptoms and make life a little bit easier. I totally agree with you, “just do the best you can” – self-love, self-acceptance are top of the pile. Sending you a giant hug! xo
This blog is a helpful reminder that I’m not alone and that healing is multifaceted. I’ve just been so discouraged lately. I got out of the hospital with a IBD/stricture diagnosis, weaned myself off prednisone, implemented Jini’s oral and topical stricture heal, oregano protocol, probiotics and numerous supplements, and an elemental diet (mostly bone broth and fresh veggie juice) and started seeing amazing results! The stricture seemed to clear, bowel movements normalize and blood and mucus clear! I started introducing foods with success and also introduced absorb plus and started putting on healthy weight. And then I don’t know what happened… it’s as if my body adapted to the oregano; everything just started seeming less effective and symptoms returning. In search of a trigger I kept eliminating foods and am now back to an elemental diet. I’m rotating antimicrobials (olive leaf doesn’t seem to be kicking in either), but nothing seems to be bringing the results it did at first. Thankfully I’m still having BM’s, my primary symptom is excessive mucus. Any recommendations? Is it possible oregano is only effective short term? Is it common to react to Absorb Plus itself (vegan)? I feel like I’ve been doing everything right, but all my effort for the past months has come to naught. I’m also resting, not working, meditating, working on interpersonal healing, etc.
Hi Elise – I first want to say that your progress is WONDERFUL. Don’t diminish that! =)
Some people do find that WOO’s efficacy lessens after time, which is why Jini sometimes recommends rotating antipathogens so the body does not get overly accustomed to any one supplement. How long have you been taking the olive leaf now?
Also, if you feel the vegan may be triggering you, you can request samples of the whey version to see if your body tolerates that better.
One last thing, as you mentioned you have been engaging in mind/body tools like meditating – if you haven’t already tried one of Jini’s free lazer tapping sessions, I highly recommend giving it a try. You can learn more about it and download your free session here: LazerTapping.com
And if you feel like your health puzzle is complicated and you need a second opinion Dr. Juliet Ghodsian (who is also Jini and her family’s doctor) if FANTASTIC and offers zoom sessions. She is fluent in all of Jini protocols, and has also healed herself of Crohn’s disease. Here is her info: https://listentoyourgut.com/dr-juliet/
I hope all of this info helps! xoxo
What is Jini’s best recommended protocol for SIBO? I have a stubborn case of it and have used Rifaxin on numerous occasions, elemental diet, and FODMAP diet but it keeps coming back. The elemental diet made it worst. What is her recommendation?
Thank you,
Hi Antoinette – here is ALL the info we have on SIBO: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/?s=SIBO
I hope this helps! 🙂
I have had 4 bowel obstructions in the last 4 months, one every month. Had to go to the hospital each time. They would give me intravenous with Morphine in it. One time I had to have an NG tube. Now Drs. are talking about surgery. I bought your Oil of Oregano, but read that I can’t take it if I am on A blood thinner. I am on Plavix, so can’t take it. Would appreciate your help what to do. Thanks, Judy
Hi Judy! So sorry you are going through this! Very painful! I have listed all the resources I know that we have on obstructions that I think could be really helpful! Here is a home remedy protocol on obstructions: https://listentoyourgut.com/intestinal-stricture-or-bowel-obstruction/ And here is a whole section Jini has on scrictures and obstructions, she has two books on it depending on the location of the scricture: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/shop-by-strictureheal/ I would also read this, as one of our readers reaped major benefits by using a castor oil pack: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/hot-castor-oil-pack-saves-sisters-life/
I hope this information is helpful to you, all my best.
Hi Jini, my naturopath is adamant that the oil of oregano and olive leaf can be quite caustic to to the stomach/gut. I’ve been healed for many years now, but recently had a some disturbance/flare in my stomach and gut possibly from a virus he thinks. All of a sudden I am sensitive/intolerant to my many supplements and herbal combinations, and I think probiotics also are a problem although I was previously taking them. He has advised to eliminate them all for now – I am taking only healing supps – MucosaHeal, Glutamine, herbal teas, microbial enzymes, and Boswella. I am getting better slowly but have setbacks often. He recommends staying away from the WOO and Olive leaf for now. What are your thoughts? He instead is recommending Gripp Heel or Pascoeleucyn as anti-virals.
Hi Shell! We can only speak on our experience using WOO and olive leaf, but every case is different. In this case, since we don’t know your medical history, it’s best to seek your doctor’s guidance (or get a second opinion if you wish). But unfortunately, we are not licensed medical professionals and cannot offer you guidance on this.
However, I will say that when some of this happened to me, I took a break from everything. Let my body breathe and then began extremely low doses. I also made sure my detox pathways were open, because for myself whn my tolerance was low I was not detoxing. So this means an infrared sauna (sweat)
lemon water or anything that can help you detox what you are trying to process in your body.
Here are some resources on detoxing:
Hope that helps!
CROHNS DISEASE reared its head again. i only discovered LTYG fairly recently, and immediately got on board. here’s the scoop:
I saw on Ltyg.com, about a few supplements that might really help. Including Natren probiotic. Well as I began finding and taking some of them, (enzymes, gut liner, absorb plus, Woo, flaxseed oil), and while I was healing, on the one hand, I lost MORE weight, strangely.
It took me a long time to finally work out that I was reacting initially to N-A-G, BADLY! and once I discontinued that, it became apparent that the same was occurring with the filler (cellulose) in tablets, AND the vegetable capsules, effectively ruling EVERYTHING out!
3 side effects; bad muscle pains, (arthritis like), losing weight, and also, (if I DO try any tablets, like the occasional sleeping pill) insomnia.
The gelatin capsules probiotic actually WAS fine, so I stopped with the powders, after working up sufficiently, and immediately put on 2 kg, within a month, then I had a setback, (had moved to fast to eating a varied diet), had to use the powders again, so side effects kicked back in. Am now am back off them and on the capsules again but sadly reacting in the same way. I can’t go without because then I feel so bad and can’t eat much.
I added dairy powders, which helped me greatly, and DONT contain any offending ingredients, but just no luck in getting these symptoms to go. Stopped them now, continuing with Healthy Trinity and waiting and hoping for relief. Am also using a liquid herbal version of a GUT LINER.
Actually I’m probably reacting to NOTHING, that’s what my body is up to🙃 I had bad symptoms for another while, until I realised that-nuts, (SCD) which were a basic for me for years now, are also off limits, basically strange stuff.
I’d like help to calm down my body reactions!
My digestion is MUCH Better already, thanks to the probiotics, and I am tolerating a lot more food.
I just continue to experience the muscle pains and crazy weight loss- they have been going hand in hand.
Anybody seen something like this? Pleeeeeeeese?
Hi Sandy, I’m sorry to hear about your challenges with Crohn’s Disease and the reactions you’ve experienced to supplements. We know you are looking for other readers feedback and we hope they will share their insights with you!
We also encourage you to join our private FaceBook group and post a message there to get feedback from the community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/519239322277825/
After being on the SIBO diet and Elemental diet, I am returning to the SIBO diet. I notice that my food cravings, especially for sweet foods is returning. When I drink an Absorb plus with 3 scoops of unsweetened and one scoop of sweetened, my cravings go away. Prior to the diet when I ate sweet things, my cravings would just get worse when I ate sugar. So it’s not just that the shakes have arbs. Do you know what is going on?
Hi Jim! If you are dealing with food cravings, we highly recommend giving Jini’s tapping video on sugar addiction and cravings a try! https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/eft-tapping-for-sugar-addiction-chocolate-cravings/
Here are additional resources that maybe helpful: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/how-to-tackle-cheat-meal-cravings-while-healing-your-gut/
Hope that helps!
I’m not making great progress, unfortunately. On mega doses of Natren, and done lots of MIND-BODY HEALING too.
i wonder, has anyone tried GROUNDING USING A MAT, at all? its supposed to help with inflammation.
Also, the recommendations are to go off coffee. has anyone healed while STILL ENJOYING THE BREW? and I dong mean 5 cups a day, just 1 and some days none at all. With a max of 2 occasionally.
thanks and healing to us all.
Hi Sandy,
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I’m sorry to hear that you’re not seeing any progress from your healing efforts. It sounds like you’re putting in a lot of effort, and that’s commendable.
We suggest checking out the following links for insights on specific cravings and how to tackle them:
Additionally, If you’re on Facebook, I suggests joining Jini’s private Facebook group. It’s a supportive community where readers can share their experiences, provide encouragement, and ask any questions in a safe and non-judgmental environment. You can find the group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/519239322277825
Lastly, when the answers don’t exist in the realm you’re familiar with, sometimes you need to go way outside the box. See if this resonates at all: https://singinghorseherd.com/sessions
Wishing you healing and strength on your journey.