Dr. Samir Kakodkar is an IBD specialist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and did his IBD training at Northwestern. Samir hosts a podcast called Against the Grain which investigates new ideas and controversies in the field of IBD.
In this interview, you’ll hear how Dr. Kakodkar himself has IBD and tried some of the protocols in my book, Listen To Your Gut, several years ago. This is an interesting interview (almost 2 hours long!) where there is a lot of push-pull between viewpoints. Perhaps you too find yourself going back and forth between medical and natural; or perhaps trying to integrate the two?
As Samir says in his description of our podcast:
“We had an epic almost 2 hour long conversation about her methods to treat Crohn’s and colitis. We talked about the limitations of conventional medicine, her treatment protocols, mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis, the dogma of diets, tricks to make exclusive enteral nutrition more palatable, electromagnetic radiation/5G amongst other topics that most conventional doctors would think of as “out there” but I’m not afraid to delve into.”
Enjoy! And feel free to check out Dr. Kakodkar’s other podcasts – like this one on Cannabis/Medical Marijuana for Crohn’s and Colitis.
Very interesting
Yes, it was an interesting mix of perspectives, experience and paradigms!
I have reached out before when my son was in bad shape. Going 30 times a day and a lot if not all blood. . He did the absorb plus elemental diet for 9 weeks. He was on entyvio and on his 4th infusion at the time of his start of elemental diet. He did and still does oregano oil, natren probiotics as you outlined in your books, Georges aloe verA and all other recommendations
He is doing ok and despite a 7 day hospital stay for kidney/blood in urine (which surgeon and doctors talking about surgery coming in) the docs said he was in a flair from UC but he wasn’t.
His c reactive protein was normal! He is still ok
The elemental diet for a colon rest was instrumental. The shakes were good.
He has no blood. Some loose stools here and there. But we feel like we are in Control. They want a colonoscopy but I feel it would be a step back.
Hi Jennifer,
We really appreciate the updates and we’re glad to hear that Jini’s protocol is working well and that his bleeding stopped – this is a very big improvement so Congratulations! As for loose stools, this is normal if he’s still on Full Elemental diet. Probiotics and Oregano are one of the remedies that will address the cause of loose stools/ diarrhea to resolve it long term but you can try to supplement with L-Glutamine if you haven’t already. Dosage details here: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/16/diarrhea.html‘
Thanks so much for sharing and we’re looking forward to hearing more about his progress!
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hello, I’m trying to follow Jini’s heal your gut protocol. After my recent diverticulitis flare up, it seems like they are coming closer together, and flared by possibly gluten and sugar. I have also been diagnosed with very high candida. I have been reading the blogs and watching so many of Jini’s youtubes, but I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. Also, I feel like my flares ups are developing into more issues with my gut.
I keep reading of a print out of Jini’s protocol, but I can’t seem to find it. I’m getting ready to order the b infantis and the other 3 probiotics. Do you have any suggestions, recommendations you can email me please?
Thank you so!
Hi Elizabeth,
I can absolutely assist! Seeing as you mentioned high candida, I would recommend Jini’s candida protocol – basically sweeping all the bacteria and candida out of your gut and replacing with high dose Natren probiotics.
The basis of yeast treatment is:
• A candida diet that avoids sugar, wheat (gluten most likely, for you) and dairy
• Taking some form of antifungal (olive leaf, caprylic acid, oregano oil)
• Detoxification with psyllium and bentonite
• Supplementing with probiotics (the good bacteria)
Take 10 drops of wild oregano oil first (or 2 capsules olive leaf), on an empty stomach, along with a glass of filtered water
Wait 10-15 minutes and then take A combination of 1 tbsp. sprouted flax and chia powder along with 1/2 tsp. bentonite clay. I used to recommend MetaCleanse but the manufacturer has stopped producing it. NOTE: You cannot use these remedies if you are on an exclusively elemental diet – only if you are combining Absorb Plus with regular foods.
Wait at least 20 minutes before eating.
Last thing before bed at night, take 1 Healthy Trinity probiotic capsule*.
After your candida has normalized, continue with 1 Healthy Trinity each day.
*Note: If you prefer, or if you are having more than 3 bowel movements per day, then take the Natren probiotics in POWDER form instead.
CAUTION: If you suspect you have an intestinal stricture, intestinal obstruction or narrowing, then you need to be really careful using stool bulking agents (like psyllium, flaxseed, etc.). In that case, you can use either very small doses, or you can just take the wild oregano oil – 10 drops, 5 times per day.
Candida Diet Tips:
An anti-candida diet is based on starving the yeast. So along with the Protocol above, also Avoid:
• Sugar
• Fruit juices
• Simple (starchy) carbs such as white flour, potatoes and legumes
• Grains (wheat, rice, quinoa, barley…)
• Yeast containing foods (baked goods, alcohol, products containing hydrolyzed yeast…)
• Vinegars and pickled or fermented foods (pickles, olives, soy sauce, hot sauce, many condiments and salad dressings…)
• Peanuts, pistachios, cashews, mushrooms (often have mold residues)
• Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils
• Acidic and acid-forming foods (including alcohol)
• Milk (contains lactose sugar)
You can eat:
• Lots of fresh vegetables; preferably raw, steamed or juiced
• Plain Yogurt (watch for sugar), sour cream, cream cheese and butter
• Stevia and Xylitol
• Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar
• Organic and herbal coffee and tea
• Coconut, olive, grape seed and flax oils (cold-pressed)
• Lemon juice
• Raw nuts and pumpkin seeds
• Herbs and natural salt
• Eggs
• Meat
• Fish and seafood (be aware of mercury content)
• Poultry
• Alkaline or alkalinizing foods
Be aware that you may feel worse before you feel better, as the candida yeast die off and release toxins. After two weeks you can start reintroducing some starchy vegetables and low carb fruits back into your diet, but pay attention to how they make you feel. For a healthy gut microbiota, it’s good to just keep carbs, fruit and sugars low on an ongoing basis – you’ll feel better and will likely lose fat and gain muscle too!
You can find all this information and more here: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/28/candida-yeast-infection.html
I hope this helps!
Savannah B
Customer Care
Ive spoke to criss very I’ll still hear so many things im methane dominant gas !! Motility slow IBSC did sensitivity s are unbelievable nothing is hardly tolerated !! What drs on ur staff please email me ASAP!! I DONT know what to do anymore I CANT listen to every body too much out there suffering unbelievable I feel like jiji Patel life s not good at all
Hi Patricia. Jini is not a licensed health professional nor is her team, so unfortunately we cannot provide you personal medical advice. I can refer you to the list of recommended practitioners familiar with Jini’s protocols here: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/collections/private-health-consults
You can also explore Jini’s Home Remedy pages to find solutions for your symptoms: https://listentoyourgut.com/heal-your-symptoms/
I hope this helps, take care.