The protocols I’ve discovered can be divided down into 8 key steps for 100% natural healing of IBS & IBD (Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticulitis):
1.) Providing bowel rest using a special elemental (pre-digested) liquid diet
2.) Killing off the bad bacteria and fungus in the gut (disease-causing organisms)
3.) Re-populating the gastrointestinal tract with good bacteria
4.) Healing intestinal inflammation and ulceration
5.) Resolving nutritional deficiencies
6.) Detoxing your living environment
7.) Healing the contributing emotional factors
8.) Balancing your hormones
➡️ 8 Key Steps for Crohn’s
➡️ 8 Key Steps for Colitis
➡️ Natural remedy for IBS
➡️ Natural remedy for Diverticulitis
➡️ All other home remedy pages
✔️ FREE Download, What You Need to Know About Probiotics
📗 LISTEN TO YOUR GUT: The Complete Natural Healing Program for IBS and IBD
🏠 How to Create a Healing Environment eBook
And if you’d prefer to listen to the podcast audio-only version of this video, here it is:
Hi Jini , I love your absorb plus vegan shakes!! They are helping me immensely. I started out using 1/4 of a teaspoon of flax oil in each shake, three to five shakes a day and bone broth two or three times a day. I upped the flax oil over a couple weeks to 1/2 a teaspoon and was doing fine. Then I read in your book that if I wanted to gain weight I should be taking one teaspoon or more per shake five to six times a day so I started taking one teaspoon per shake. Well my body didn’t like it at all I had nausea and stomach pains/ problems. So I had to stop immediately. At that point my body wouldn’t tolerate any fat ,no chicken broth not even a 1/4 of a teaspoon of flax oil once a day. So it took me about a month to get it back together and now I am able to do 1/2 teaspoon of flax oil and a tablespoon of coconut milk per shake. I learned to listen to my body and it is best to go slow. I am taking L-Carnitine to help uptake fats and I wonder if you have any experience with taking it? I I was suggested to me that I should take it in capsule form. I was having trouble taking capsules when my system got so upset and I bought all my supplements in powder form and am putting them in my shakes. I guess somethings are supposed to get down farther in your digestive tract when you take capsules? Please let me know your thoughts and experience. Thanks Sincerely, Cherie
Hi Cherie – thanks for reaching out! I first want to comment on how proactive you’re being – that’s awesome.
When I had trouble digesting fats, the first thing I took was digestive enzymes. Enzymes are particularly helpful for digestion, but especially with fats. I would take multiple capsules of the enzymes so I could digest it. When you consume fats, you can also try enzymes and see if that helps!
Here are the ones Jini recommends:§ion=product
I have not tried the L-Carnitine, so I am not sure on that one – but check with your doctor. 🙂
The other thing you can try is switching up the fats. It sounds like when you increased the Udo’s oil it was just too much! So either that dose was too much for you, or you may do better with a different type of fat. This post Jini wrote goes over the different good fats and which ones you can try:
Many people with IBD have trouble digesting fats, so don’t worry about that! It usually just means that your digestion needs to be bumped up a bit. You may find this source helpful to execute a few ways to assist that digestion:
When it comes to capsules, Jini recommends powders or liquids if you are having more than 3 BM’s a day. This is because you won’t be getting any benefit from the products if they are not being absorbed. Her angstrom mineral liquids can be absorbed right into the bloodstream, so depending on how many BMs you are having will help you decide which form to take.
I hope this helps!
I’ve just learned about your information recently and wondered what you may recommend different or additional for someone with an ileostomy and currently dealing with fistulas?
Hi Susan! Here are Jini’s Home Remedy pages for fistulas, which you may find helpful:
And a couple blog posts you might find useful:
I recently sent a question about healing fistulas. I can’t find the answer again that was sent to me. My fistula is to the skin and not anal or vaginal. Any info would help! Please send to my email
Hi Susan! Can you provide the email address you used to write in your question? I do not see anything related to Thanks!
That is my email address.
Hi Susan – so sorry, but I cannot find any record of an email sent from that address. Please re-pose your question to our customer care team at and someone will get back to you again. 🙂 Thanks!
I Just responded to the blog not by email.
Hi Susan – Oh I see. Okay, I see another comment you left: “I’ve just learned about your information recently and wondered what you may recommend different or additional for someone with an ileostomy and currently dealing with fistulas?”
Here was my response:
Hi Susan! Here are Jini’s Home Remedy pages for fistulas, which you may find helpful:
And a couple blog posts you might find useful:
I have experienced numerous flares of Colitis over the past 16 years – they seem to come in 3-4 year cycles and some have lasted for up to 18months. This last bout started in early December 2022 and I figured it was from sneaking gluten and sugar regularly for a couple of months prior (crazy I know but you do get a little complacent when things are going well). I have been miserable with this last bout and tried everything NAC, NAG, Berberine, Oregano Oil, MMS and loads of herbal etc but couldn’t stop the mucus blood and urgency. I read up a lot on Magnesium and thought I’d give that a shot and see what happened. Well!!! I must have been low on magnesium as within 2 days of taking 700grms of elemental Magnesium a day (this will be scaled down when my stool softens too much) my mucus stopped, urgency stopped and only small traces of blood. It has been 2 weeks now and still marveling at the change. No lower pain, I can pass wind without a horror scene. I am ecstatic (understatement) at the result. Family and friend say “that’s great” but I don’t think they really understand just how incredible it is to have something so debilitating disappear just from taking a nutritional supplement. Realizing I am not broken and defective, my body was suffering mineral deficiency – quite possibly on a large scale. As all sufferers are aware, there’s not a one fit solution for everyone but this may be a remedy for those that are suffering due to a mineral deficiency. Faith and healing to all 🙏🏻🌸
Thanks so much for sharing Lindy! And yes, magnesium is crucial and 40% of Americans are deficient. Also, if you’re taking Vitamin D, then you need extra magnesium to convert all the Vit.D. Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND wrote an entire book on how/why magnesium is such a crucial mineral. So glad you figured it out! I have also written a lot about magnesium on this blog – if anyone else wants to learn more, simply type “magnesium” into the Search box here on the blog.